This morning we had a very Interesting meeting between Israeli entrepreneurs and two IP lawyers from one of India's leading Intellectual Property law office K&S Partners.
The meeting was held in APM law firm office in Tel Aviv and it started with a insightful review of different trade names and intellectual property issues in India given by Mrs. Gal Omer. Her review was followed by a presentation given by Mr. Mayank Sood from K&S Partners. K&S Partners (K&S) is an Intellectual Property boutique. Founded in 1994 under its erstwhile name 'Kumaran & Sagar' as a three member team, today the firm has over 110 professionals and is amongst the top five IP firms in India. K&S has offices at Gurgaon, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad. Mr. Sood gave the entrepreneurs from different water, Agri-tech and Health startups a review about the unique requirements of the Indian IP system and the new regulations effective January first 2018.